1. News -

    Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals is progressing with plans to expand its breast screening service at Bath St Healthcare Resource Centre in Warrington town centre in the final phase of its reconfiguration of breast services across Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington.
  2. Report -

    Led by Healthwatch Warrington, Virtual Voices provides Warrington residents with a unique opportunity to offer their opinions and provide constructive feedback on health and social care services in our town.
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    Healthwatch Warrington is pleased to publish its Annual Report for 2021-2022 reflecting on a year that saw local people have their say around health and social care, focusing on dentistry, carers, and Children & Young Peoples’ mental health.
  4. Annual Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington is pleased to publish its Annual Report for 2021-2022 reflecting on a year that saw local people have their say around health and social care, focusing on dentistry, carers, and Children & Young Peoples’ mental health.
  5. Report -

    Here at Healthwatch Warrington we have been receiving a lot of information on access to Dentistry, this is a national issue and all information we receive is fed back to our local MP and the Primary Care team as well as Healthwatch England.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Although most people using the health service are happy with their care and treatment, things can sometimes go wrong. If you’re not satisfied with the service you’ve experienced from a hospital, doctor, dentist, local surgery or any other NHS provider, you are entitled to complain about it.
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    Virtual Voices is a new forum where you can have YOUR say and WIN prizes. Led by Healthwatch Warrington, Virtual Voices provides Warrington residents with a unique opportunity to offer their opinions and provide constructive feedback on health and social care services in our town.

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    Becoming an Enter and View Authorised Representative offers the opportunity to observe local health and social care services at the point of delivery; by speaking with staff, patients, residents, relatives and carers. This is usually done by visiting the service. We can inform change, but only you can make it happen. Be part of the change.

  9. Advice and Information -

    Dental practices are recovering from backlogs due to strict hygiene measures to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19 to patients and staff. The situation is improving but we are hearing that Warrington residents without a regular denist are still finding it difficult to get an appointment. Read our steps below on accessing NHS dentistry.
  10. Enter and View Report -

    Healthwatch have a legal power to visit health and social care services and see them in action. This power to Enter and View services offers a way for Healthwatch Warrington to meet some of their statutory functions and allows them to identify what is working well with services and where they could be improved.
  11. News -

    Healthwatch Warrington has statutory powers to Listen, Act, Challenge and Feedback, improving Local Services and promoting excellence throughout the NHS and social care services.
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    This month's Virtual Voices Warrington Borough Council wants to hear YOUR opinions on the upcoming Health & Wellbeing Survey
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    Healthwatch report reveals GPs saw a 90% increase in Youth Mental health issues since the pandemic.
  17. Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington has highlighted the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Children and Young People in Warrington. Our original report in 2020 highlighted issues with services in Warrington. Warrington and Halton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissioned the more detailed report which describes young peoples' experiences throughout lockdown.
  18. Report -

    Led by Healthwatch Warrington, Virtual Voices provides Warrington residents with a unique opportunity to offer their opinions and provide constructive feedback on health and social care services in our town.
  19. Report -

    Here at Healthwatch Warrington we have been receiving a lot of information on access to Dentistry, this is a national issue and all information we receive is fed back to our local MP and the Primary Care team as well as Healthwatch England.
  20. Advice and Information -

    When you need specialist NHS support, like hospital tests or treatment, you often need a referral from your GP first. Find out what this includes and what to expect.
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    Have you or your loved one been left frustrated after struggling to get a GP referral for tests or treatment? You’re not alone.
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  24. Advice and Information -

    It’s easy to arrange a blood pressure check. You can simply make an appointment with your GP, practice nurse or at your local pharmacy.
  25. Newsletter -

    Latest update from Healthwatch Warrington.
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    Our CEO, Lydia Thompson and the team at Healthwatch Warrington, said:
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    This month's Virtual Voices Warrington and Halton Hospital Trust want you to help shape the patient experience strategy for 2023-2026
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    Healthwatch Warrington is your local health and social care champion. From North to South Warrington and everywhere in between, we make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers hear your voice and use your feedback to improve care.
  29. Minutes -

    We hold regular meetings with our Committee in public where we discuss what we've been hearing from the public as well as our organisational direction and progress on projects.

  30. Advice and Information -

    Mental health problems exist in our lives, families, workplaces and communities, impacting everyone. Mental health problems can affect anyone, any day of the year, but World Mental Health day (10/10) is a great day to show your support for better mental health and start looking after your own wellbeing.
  31. News -

    Healthwatch Warrington had their Virtual Annual Meeting on the 6th October, If you missed it you can catch up on events here.
  32. Advice and Information -

    Our Enter & View programme is focusing this year on GP Practices. We want to hear YOUR opionions on your practice and help us build our list of practices to vist.
  33. Report -

    Led by Healthwatch Warrington, Virtual Voices provides Warrington residents with a unique opportunity to offer their opinions and provide constructive feedback on health and social care services in our town.
  34. News -

    Healthwatch Warrington in Collaboration with Warrington Disability Parnerships Long Covid Support team held a Coffee morning at the Gateway to feedback on accessing services and their experiences with Long Covid in Warrington.
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    Pregnancy is a major life event for any family. It can be joyful and fulfilling but also challenging. We’re launching a national survey to understand if care works for new mothers and birthing parents. Share your story.
  36. Report -

    Healthwatch Warrington was initially approached by Signing Solutions to discuss the issues that the Deaf community in Warrington are experiencing with Hospital access. This was discovered via outreach and support that they are providing within the Deaf Centre. We were invited to come and speak to the Deaf community directly via focus groups which were supported by BSL interpreters.
  37. News -

    Healthwatch Warrington was initially approached by Signing Solutions to discuss the issues that the Deaf community in Warrington are experiencing with Hospital access. This was discovered via outreach and support that they are providing within the Deaf Centre. We were invited to come and speak to the Deaf community directly via focus groups which were supported by BSL interpreters.
  38. Newsletter -

    Latest update from Healthwatch Warrington.
  39. Enter and View Report -

    Healthwatch have a legal power to visit health and social care services and see them in action. This power to Enter and View services offers a way for Healthwatch Warrington to meet some of their statutory functions and allows them to identify what is working well with services and where they could be improved
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  41. News -

    Christmas Pharmacy Opening hours across Warrington.
  42. Newsletter -

    Useful information for over the Christmas Period for residents of Warrington.
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    This month's Virtual Voices want YOU to share YOUR experiences and knowledge of using Urgent Treatment Centres and GP Enhanced Access.
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    The Healthwatch Warrington Team is touring Warrington, we will be popping up across the length and breadth of Warrington at Livewire Libraries during February.
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