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    Healthwatch Warrington is pleased to publish its Annual Report for 2021-2022 reflecting on a year that saw local people have their say around health and social care, focusing on dentistry, carers, and Children & Young Peoples’ mental health.
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    With the global pandemic taking the world from normality to lockdown, we wanted to use this time to assess how changes to society and lockdown had impacted residents of Warrington in regards to their wellbeing and how they access health & social care services.
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    Healtwatch Warrington were approached by The CCG to gain feedback on the experiences of Warrington residents accessing the Mass Vaccination sites in Warrington.
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    Healthwatch Warrington in Collaboration with Warrington Disability Parnerships Long Covid Support team held a Coffee morning at the Gateway to feedback on accessing services and their experiences with Long Covid in Warrington.
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    COVID-19 Spring vaccinations are due to end by 30 June 2023. You can still get yours.
    Read on to see if you are eligible
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    We received substantial feedback from Warrington residents regarding the ongoing symptoms of Long Covid. This included people saying that they were dismayed at the lack of support that was in place.
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    People at increased risk from COVID-19 in Cheshire and Merseyside are being encouraged to book in for their spring vaccine as the NHS National Booking System opens.