Annual Virtual Meeting 2023- Watch now

Healthwatch Warrington had their Virtual Annual Meeting on the 4th October, If you missed it you can catch up on events here.
Healthwatch Warrington Virtual Annual Meeeting 2023

We recorded our Virtual Annual Meeting, giving you the chance to catch up and see what Healthwatch Warrington have been up to during 2022-2023 and our plans for the next year.

You can select each chapter easily and watch the parts you want to see.

Chapters of Video:


Opening Remarks: 0:00

About the team- 0:33

Agenda- 1:03

Highlights of the year video- 1:25

Our Highlights- 4:26

ICAS (Independent Complaints Advocacy Service)- 6:06

Women's Health- 7:06

Video from Dr. Sangeetha Steevart on work with Women's Health- 9:35

Video from Frances Mann, Public Health team- 11:26

Speaker Carl Marsh, Warrington Place- 12:15

Deaf Report- 19:10

Signing Solutions Video- 21:20

Healthwatch Warrington Impacts: 22:25

Virtual Voices- 25:43

Virtual Voices Video- 27:18

Volunteering with Healthwatch Warrington- 29:06

Thank you Volunteers Video- 30:48

Warrington Business Roadshow- 32:21

Moving Forward- 34:47

Questions- 38:47

Closing Remarks- 49:11